Everything you need to                             your wealthy web design business.

Everything you need to                             your wealthy web design business.

start & scale

enroll now

Start the business that will give you ultimate creative freedom, and the lifestyle that you desire. With students from around the world hitting $8k, $12k, $15k, $20k+ months, there is no limit to what you can do once you master the skills that will change your life forever.

Every resource. Every workflow. Every piece of advice. Even if you start from zero, you’ll end with the creative business of your dreams.

start & scale

Everything you need to                     your wealthy web design business.

“Very valuable content. I couldn’t stop watching it” - Angelica “Wealthy Web Designer has been huge for bettering my knowledge.” - @virtually.naii “Highly recommend 20/10.” - Megan “One of my best decisions ever.” - @angelica.mensink “Thanks to implementing everything that I learned in WWD I am not booked out for the next three months after 1 month of being open!” - Morgan T. “I’ve flipped my digital marketing on its head with the knowledge she’s passed on to me.” - @meganelysecreative “I am grateful for the Wealthy Web Designer course and definitely recommend it.” - Naishely “This course has brought me insight and structure.” - Angelica “I’m more confident.” - Megan “I took her Wealthy Web Designer course and it BLEW MY MIND!” - @bloomsocialstudio “The potential I see for my one-woman studio after going through her courses is freaking limitless.” - Sarah “Before your courses I could never dream of charging someone this much.” - @daydreamsites “I’ve been able to work with clients that I feel aligned with.” - Naishely


“Very valuable content. I couldn’t stop watching it” - Angelica “Wealthy Web Designer has been huge for bettering my knowledge.” - @virtually.naii “Highly recommend 20/10.” - Megan “One of my best decisions ever.” - @angelica.mensink “Thanks to implementing everything that I learned in WWD I am not booked out for the next three months after 1 month of being open!” - Morgan T. “I’ve flipped my digital marketing on its head with the knowledge she’s passed on to me.” - @meganelysecreative “I am grateful for the Wealthy Web Designer course and definitely recommend it.” - Naishely “This course has brought me insight and structure.” - Angelica “I’m more confident.” - Megan “I took her Wealthy Web Designer course and it BLEW MY MIND!” - @bloomsocialstudio “The potential I see for my one-woman studio after going through her courses is freaking limitless.” - Sarah “Before your courses I could never dream of charging someone this much.” - @daydreamsites “I’ve been able to work with clients that I feel aligned with.” - Naishely “Very valuable content. I couldn’t stop watching it” - Angelica “Wealthy Web Designer has been huge for bettering my knowledge.” - @virtually.naii “Highly recommend 20/10.” - Megan “One of my best decisions ever.” - @angelica.mensink “Thanks to implementing everything that I learned in WWD I am not booked out for the next three months after 1 month of being open!” - Morgan T. “I’ve flipped my digital marketing on its head with the knowledge she’s passed on to me.” - @meganelysecreative “I am grateful for the Wealthy Web Designer course and definitely recommend it.” - Naishely “This course has brought me insight and structure.” - Angelica “I’m more confident.” - Megan “I took her Wealthy Web Designer course and it BLEW MY MIND!” - @bloomsocialstudio “The potential I see for my one-woman studio after going through her courses is freaking limitless.” - Sarah “Before your courses I could never dream of charging someone this much.” - @daydreamsites “I’ve been able to work with clients that I feel aligned with.” - Naishely


“Very valuable content. I couldn’t stop watching it” - Angelica “Wealthy Web Designer has been huge for bettering my knowledge.” - @virtually.naii “Highly recommend 20/10.” - Megan “One of my best decisions ever.” - @angelica.mensink “Thanks to implementing everything that I learned in WWD I am not booked out for the next three months after 1 month of being open!” - Morgan T. “I’ve flipped my digital marketing on its head with the knowledge she’s passed on to me.” - @meganelysecreative “I am grateful for the Wealthy Web Designer course and definitely recommend it.” - Naishely “This course has brought me insight and structure.” - Angelica “I’m more confident.” - Megan “I took her Wealthy Web Designer course and it BLEW MY MIND!” - @bloomsocialstudio “The potential I see for my one-woman studio after going through her courses is freaking limitless.” - Sarah “Before your courses I could never dream of charging someone this much.” - @daydreamsites “I’ve been able to work with clients that I feel aligned with.” - Naishely


Every creative entrepreneur has to start somewhere. Lucky for you, that “somewhere” is Wealthy Web Designer®–a course that walks you through every single detail of starting your business, booking clients, and ultimately becoming a well-paid web designer. 

You already know that the soul-sucking corporate route isn’t meant for you. You crave a life of creativity, purpose, passion, and freedom. Inside Wealthy Web Designer®, you can unlock the life of your dreams in just 30 days.

You ready?

Start the creatively fulfilling, financially freeing business you’ve been daydreaming about.

Give the middle finger to your 9-5 

Taking a leap of faith is the hardest part.

Struggling with where to start. I would spend hours down the “how to start a business” Youtube Rabbit hole, binging all best “best” biz podcasts and still be like da fuck???

Severely lacking confidence in my own design abilities. I’d spend all day everyday questioning myself, feeling like I was a total imposter since I didn’t have all the “things” that a “typical” graphic designer had.

Confused AF on how to book clients at premium prices, all while watching other designers talk about charging an arm and a leg (while I was barely charging a toe nail).

Creating so much internal chaos because I lacked systems, structures, and boundaries. I knew I was creating a business for freedom, yet my business felt like it was eating me alive.

It feels like just yesterday I was...

I put in all the work, doing everything the hard way so that I can teach you to make it oh, so easy.

But I took the plunge…


A place where               
 turn into creative money-makers.


Will you              to go all in on your dreams?



"I launched February 1st with 100 followers and by February 14th I was already booked out for the month. I had no design experience prior, just a really good teacher and some hard work."


"I invested in Becca's courses, and within my first 2 weeks of launching I sold out my beta launch and made over 10k in less than a week. I am booked out for the rest of the year."


"I feel more confident in what I'm putting out. I've been able to work with clients who I feel aligned with. So grateful for the Wealthy Web Designer®, definitely recommend it."


"The potential I see from owning a one women studio after going through her course, is freakin limitless."



This is THE course for those who want to dream, do, dare, and disrupt. To seek freedom, wealth, and abundance. To be obsessed with what they do, and even more obsessed with who they do it for.


Launch your design business

Create your personal brand

Bring in 
dream clients 

your process  

Market your online business

business modules


Choosing Your Name

Purchasing Your Domain

Business Legality

Choosing Your Niche

Packages & Pricing

Brand Strategy

Building Your Website

design modules

Your Unique Style

Choosing Your Fonts

Branding Strategy

Design Strategy

Website Layouts

What Not to Do

Drawing Inspiration

Designing a Custom Site

Client Modules

Applications That Convert

The Sales Process

Onboarding Clients

Design Process

Streamlining Deliverables

Project Tracking


Off-Boarding Clients

Marketing Modules

Personal Branding

Attraction Marketing

Content Planning

Instagram Training

Intro to Tiktok

Pin to Sales Method

Building Your Email List

Shopify + Thrivecart

That's over $2,000 of value

pay in full $1,500
one time only

THE entire Wealthy Web Designer® course curriculum

exclusive student community and dedicated club concierge to answer your questions and support you in real time
(VALUEd at $1,200/yr)

CHEAT SHEETS AND TEMPLATES to help you plan, build and grow your business
(VALUED at  $997)

(value: priceless) 



Here's what you'll instantly unlock:

Get Exclusive Access to                !

Join today and get free access to the wealthy web designer® clubhouse.

The concierge to your web design business.

Join today and get exclusive access to course support, business advice, design feedback, and a community of creatives that'll help you achieve your dreams. We don't believe in doing things alone. So join forces today and start building your dream business with The Club's help.

claim your bonus

"I closed my third client within two weeks of launching...I love you for changing my life!"


"I couldn't have done it without your courses, love, honestly! It would have been such a hard learning curve!"

- Alexis

"Thanks to your course, I've hit 40k in 40 days. You've changed my life and opened so many different things for me."




I’m a web designer, podcaster, educator, anti-gatekeeping queen, and spicy-marg drinker with big ass aspirations and even bigger plans to make them happen. I started my business on a Macbook Air in a 560 sq ft. apartment and have scaled it into a multiple six-figure design studio, and I won’t hold any details back in telling you exactly how I made it happen. 

BECCA LUNA | ceo, educator, and web designer

Willow Kaii


Melo Creative

Branding Trainings

Willow is the driving force behind all of Becca Luna Education’s marketing tactics. With a brain that is always churning out innovative ideas, Willow has worked with 1,000+ business owners.

The human behind Melo Creative. She is a scribble outside the lines creative with a knack for helping brands shine in their best light both online and IRL.






passive income


design projects

You’ll never find another course like Wealthy Web Designer®…

Because I created this course for me.

The old Becca craved a course that would teach her everything there is to know about growing an impactful and profitable design business. I was dying to be told the “insider secrets” to uninhibited success, to understand the good and the bad. The Wealthy Web Designer® came from a place of passion and responsibility–to give a gift of detailed knowledge and skill to the next generation of creatives that feel as passionate about creating intentional design businesses as I do.

You do NOT need to have a masters in design.

All you need (yes, literally ALL YOU NEED) is a creative soul that is overflowing with ambition. Your ability to believe in yourself will be the catalyst and your desire to grow will be the fire that propels you towards your dream life. As for the details, the systems, and the how-tos? Let me handle that part.

You do NOT need to know Adobe.

You do NOT need to be able to code.

Fuck what you’ve heard about becoming a web designer:

Take a big step towards your future self.

Whether you’re dreaming of selling templates passively, or booking high-ticket web design clients. This is the massive first step that you’ve been wanting to take. This course is designed for maximum engagement and practical impact. So much so that, even with your lifetime access, I won’t be surprised if you binge the entire course in one day. Give yourself one month to implement everything that you learn inside, and you’ll have the thriving web design business of your dreams.


This isn’t some heard-it-before, lengthy, drawn-out, theory-based course. It’s details, templates, and step-by-step directions that you can immediately implement into your brand new design business.

Instant access to 50+ training videos covering business basics, booking clients, design, marketing, and more.

Downloadable CSV files for Asana to automate & streamline your client processes.

Application & email templates to 1. save time and 2. perfect the way you do business moving forward.

Easy-to-use Canva templates for Instagram & Pinterest to start attracting your dream clients ASAP.

Guest trainings on creating personal branding, photoshoots, scaling, and pinterest.

WWD is action-first, theory-free, and so engaging you’ll never be tempted to play at 2x speed.

pay in full





pay in full

payment plan





enroll now


Is this course for beginners?

Absolutely! I created this course for entrepreneurs at all stages of design! If you have a creative eye, and you’re wanting to start a career based on your passions, or if you’ve been in the game and are looking to get way more lucrative, this course is for you. From my how-to educational materials, jaw-dropping creative templates, and in demand and on-trend design resources, you’ll love every part of the Wealthy Web Designer®.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I start with WWD or CEO of Showit?

Why not do both? But seriously, the decision on where to start is totally up to you. If you’re already happy with the way that you run your design business but simply want to switch platforms, start with CEO of Showit. However, if you’re brand new to business and want to lay down some rock-solid foundations of strategies, WWD is calling your name.

Will I have access to you?

Though you won’t have direct access to me through WWD, the videos inside are so personal that you’ll feel like we’re a couple of friends talking about our world domination strategies on FaceTime! You get immediate access to the Wealthy Web Designer® Club, our private community of thousands of designers going through the same journey as you. You ready to make some moves?

Why is it priced the way it is?

Plain and simple, the strategies and resources that you’re about to get access to are going to change your life, your career, and likely, you. This program will give you the tools and resources to harness your creative abilities, and turn them into gold. Well, really, green. All, for less than a new clutch from Louis Vuitton. I’m confident that you, and the hundreds of other entrepreneurs from around the world that have embarked upon this journey will be pleased with your investment from the minute you start to the second you finish. And who knows? Maybe you’ll be able to buy a couple of Louis Vuitton clutches by the time you’re finished.

Do I get immediate access?

By immediate, I assume you’re talking about instantaneously dropped into your inbox by your fairy design mother? If so, then abso-freakin-lutely. In the time you enroll, your new, life-changing program will be delivered safely and securely to your inbox where you’ll be given the opportunity to create a user profile, and secure password for your new, and unlimited access to the Wealthy Web Designer®.

What results have your students seen?

The information behind these doors has quite literally changed peoples lives. Taking creatives from being completely broke to completely booked out in just a few short months, this course has radically changed the way creatives are able to create highly lucrative web design businesses. Entrepreneurs have started from complete scratch and hit $5000, $10,000 and even $15,000 months with the secrets and strategies you’re about to learn. Of course, the results that you see are totally dependent on the work you put in. I will hand you all of the tools and information that you need, but you have to be willing to put in the elbow grease to shape your new reality.

What is included in this investment?

When you join Wealthy Web Designer®, you get instant access to four jam-packed modules covering marketing, booking & closing clients, designing, and more. Plus, bonus modules from some of our favorite collaborators, tons of resources and templates, and access to our exclusive Clubhouse for Creatives. Not only that, but we are always updating WWD to keep it fresh. So, consider it the course that keeps on giving.

Do I get access to WWD forever?

You sure do! Once you enroll, you’ll be in the club forever. You’ll be part of an impressively creative bunch of entrepreneurs from around the globe doing everything from inspiring to empowering you along your journey to become the wealthy, and wildly-successful creative talent you were born to be. Whether you take this information and absolutely run with it, or stick around for a bit and really let it really circulate through your soul, the information and strategies you learn in the Wealthy Web Designer® are yours to keep forever and ever.

Do you offer refunds?

Due to the years of work that’ve gone into creating this course and all of the game-changing templates and resources you’re about to get your hands on, there are no refunds. You’ll have access to everything for the rest of your life, and I hope you thoroughly enjoy it!

Will this help me get paying clients?

One hundred percent, and actually, pretty damn quickly. Take this, run with it, and turn this business into the money-making, and impact-creating empire of your dreams. $10,000 months? You’ve got this. Hiring a team under you so that you can carry out the high-level creative execution? You go girl. Clients will be lining up around the block for your special sauce and soulful creations

I give action-takers and big dreamers the tools to leave boring behind and create the life of their dreams.


Have questions still? please email support@beccaluna.com.