After building a multiple-six-figure design business, I know a thing or two about creating brands that stop dream clients in their tracks and take you from beginner to booked-out. Learn all about my web design strategy here.
Brand and website design is more than slapping a Canva font in a circle and calling it a day. It’s a lot more. Successful designers are the ones who can align creativity and design while maintaining a strategic eye for conversional detail. So if you want to stand out in the web design industry but need to learn about a winning strategy first, you’ve come to the right place…
But first, you’re probably wondering who I am and why I’m qualified to teach you anything about web design strategy. My name is Becca Luna. I’m a web designer (and educator) teaching creatives how to ditch the 9-5 of web design and start making money you could only dream of. I’ve helped over 3,000 designers jumpstart their new life, and YOU can be next.
In this article, you’ll learn:
What is a design strategy?
Where design strategy begins
The critical element of design strategy
My personal strategy that’s helped me launch my business
What Is Web Design Strategy?
Web design strategy begins before you open your laptop or click a new project in Showit. It’s the act of understanding how to achieve your client’s goals through the website you design. It encompasses the elements, structure, SEO, copy, and conversion methods you’ll implement to achieve that plan while aligning with the client’s big-picture vision for their business.
Web design strategy is an essential step in the website construction process, and there are a few things you’ll want to keep in mind every time you customize a plan for each client.
You might be a few steps in front of that – and that’s fine! Lucky for you, I wrote a guide on How To Become a Showit Web Designer right here 🙂
Where Does it Start?
It all starts with a feeling. When your client’s audience lands on their website, how do they want them to feel?
Ask them this in your initial questionnaire or in a kick-off call. It could be any of the feelings above, all of them, or something else entirely. The important thing is you center on a word or two that encapsulates the feeling you want to evoke in your website visitors, then design it in a way that delivers that emotion.
There’s even strong evidence suggesting conversion is driven by emotion rather than logic. Dubbed ’emotional motivators,’ a study in Harvard Business Review revealed hundreds of reasons for the intent to consume, such as a desire to stand out, enjoy well-being, or experience a sense of freedom. Which emotional motivator can your design tap into?
After that crucial emotion is captured, the design strategy kicks off with a branding session between my client and me. We discuss their entire business in an hour-long powerful virtual call, covering:
Their business structure
Target audience
Offers and freebies
Goals and vision (for their business AND the site)
And most importantly, I say, “On the last call,how do you want your customers to feel? Now, what do you want them to do?”. I get them to go beyond emotion to consider the one thing they’d be so excited to see their website visitor doing. The answer can be anything from booking a sales call to selecting a specific package or purchasing a product.
The strategy call is your opportunity to go deep into how the website design can be more strategic, conversional, and goal-aligned. Further questions to ask include:
Do you have any freebies?
What are your programs? Including a small description, benefits, what it includes, and pricing.
Do you want your pricing displayed on the website?
Do you have testimonials?
Anything else that I should know about your business when designing your website?
The answers to this question help me strategically and intentionally design a layout that aligns with that primary action goal.
For example, that could be via a three-tier pricing strategy (like the one below):
This design strategy gives the buyer control and showcases the middle option as the most desirable by positioning option one as ‘too cheap’ and option two as ‘too expensive.
So if you remember one thing from this piece? Let it be that strategy comes before the design, questions come before aesthetics, and conversions come before creativity.
I’ve covered building a web design strategy in my 10 Do’s and Dont’s of Web Design post. Read it to learn a few other of my secrets to running a successful six-figure online business.
My Ultimate Web Design Strategy
There’s something out there to help aspiring and established designers turn their big dreams into six-figure reality. The kind of all-in-one, expertly-curated resource with guidance, proven strategies, and no BS-reality checks from someone who’s walked their journey before.
It’s my Wealthy Web Designer Course, and it’s your ticket to web design success. We’ll not only cover design strategy in greater depth, but we’ll also touch on every crucial element of a successful design business, spanning four must-watch modules covering:
Building a business
Stepping up your design game
Finding your dream clients
How to market your business
Short and sharp video trainings, templates, and support: this is no ordinary course because you are no ordinary web designer. If you don’t believe me, take my student’s word for it.
Success was never a question for me. Even after dropping out of high school and living the “digital nomad” lifestyle with absolutely no plan in place, I knew for a fact that there were big things waiting for me. When I found the online space in 2016, everything clicked. Starting as a VA, I finally found something that I could do while traveling the world (which is all I’ve ever really wanted out of life). But despite the fact that I was no longer tied down to a place of work, I was still limited in my income and feeling creatively unfulfilled. When I finally decided to allow myself to be the passionate creative that I am deep down, and took the plunge into the world of website design, everything changed for me. I work on my own time, with unlimited income potential, designing websites for passionate entrepreneurs, and I can teach you to do the same.
If you’re wondering where life could take you as a creative who feels allergic to the 9-5 lifestyle, I’d like to welcome you into my family. I gave a resounding “f*ck no” to the “traditional” a long time ago, and I’ve seen just how beautiful it can be when you chase your passions and turn them into massive profit.
150+ websites, 1,300+ students, and MILLIONS of dollars earned by my students… that’s a recipe for living a life that you’re excited to brag about.
High school dropout turned creative multi-millionaire.
Letting you in on the secrets to living your best damn life.
Learning web design took me from a struggling waitress making $11 an hour, to a seven-figure creative designer in less than 5 years. I can teach you exactly how to follow in my footsteps...
- with no previous creative experience - no coding or development skills - and no expensive design degree