When you think of a design project, you probably picture multi-month timelines, tons of back and forth, and working on huge projects just to be able to charge your worth. The good news is, there’s a totally different way to become a booked-out, wealthy web designer.
In 2020, I decided that I was done being chained to my desk for months at a time, working on huge design projects just to pay the bills. So I taught myself how to deliver everything that I used to create over the course of 4-12 weeks in just 7 hours. Before I knew it, I was booked out with Website in a Day projects, charging $4200 per day, and making easy $30-$50k months in my design business. Now it’s your turn to learn.
Make a month's wage in a day.
sign me up
Is charging $3,800 for her VIP Day Offer
Sold six VIP Days on her launch
Is selling out her web design offers month after month
quit her 9-5 job within 6 months
uses her VIP Day as her primary design offer
If it can happen for them, it can happen for you.
Learn how to launch and sell out your very own VIP Day experience for your clients using the exact strategy I’ve used to scale my design business, make more money, and unlock total time freedom.
Mapping Out Your Day
Onboarding the Client
Your VIP Day
Off-boarding the Client
Because we won't just leave ya hanging...
Exclusive Discounts
The Club
An insane one, TBH. If you charge as much as I do ($4,200 a day), you could make your return on investment back in the first hour and a half of your first VIP day. Even if you charge half as much as me in the beginning ($2,100 a day), you'll make more than 2x a return on your investment with your first VIP day. Let's do some simple math real quick: if you charge $2,100 a day, and take on two days a week... that is $16,800 a month.
Frequently Asked Questions
Although you won't receive access to me directly, you'll gain instant access to our exclusive Wealthy Web Designer Club where you can build connections, ask questions, and get the support you need to confidently grow this new offer in your business. Day Rates are a fun, highly profitable, and quick way to scale. But, they require you to be able to ask questions, and truly find your process in it. That's why we created the Club, and are so excited that you're about to join us.
Plain and simple, the actionable strategies and expert resources built into this e-learning experience access will revolutionize the way you do business, and subsequently change your life. I’m confident that you, and the hundreds of other entrepreneurs from around the world that have embarked upon this journey will be pleased with your investment from the minute you start to the second you finish.
Absolutely not. You can use any web design platform, (as we've seen many successful students do), although you will find our templates are more beneficial when using Showit.
Yes and no. While I created this course for entrepreneurs at all stages of design, I'd recommend new creatives start with my flagship Wealthy Web Designer course after mastering Showit inside the CEO of Showit course. For my experienced designers ready to scale to that lucrative 6 & 7-figure business? You can start this course straight away. In fact, I'd recommend you enroll right now.