Here’s one of my hot SEO tips to drive new organic traffic to your client’s website and nail your on-page optimization process.Start nailing your SEO strategy and beating your client’s expectations.
First, I should probably introduce myself. I’m Becca Luna, a web designer, and educator teaching creatives how to build a successful brand. While this article is aimed at web designers building beautiful sites for clients, just about anyone can use this SEO strategy to increase their organic traffic.
So, you’ve created your client’s dream website. The one with that ‘drop-dead,’ ‘scroll-stopping,’ ‘makes-everyone-instantly-want-to-buy’ look. But have you got the backend to match? Being a good web designer doesn’t mean having the ability to only craft a site that draws eyes; it means having the brains to deliver a platform that achieves goals.
These days, your dream clients aren’t just looking for websites that look good. They’re looking for ones that make them money. And with over half of website traffic coming from organic search, this is the blueprint you need to nail your SEO skills as a web designer and embed a soundproof organic traffic strategy into every stunning website you create.
First, we’ll start with the basics. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the art of organizing and outlining a website to make it more likely to appear in search results. Having an SEO strategy implements best practices to make your site more enjoyable for users and more digestible for search engines to earn more organic traffic.
SEO is an ever-evolving art form. The algorithm gets an update at least once a month, meaning you need to stay updated with the evolving trends to continue your growth. However, no matter what changes are made to Google’s search results, there are always a few guidelines that always work.
If SEO is something you lack knowledge on, you might benefit from listening to our podcast. We talk about organic marketing strategies, case studies of successful designers, and how we’ve built our business. You can listen below.
It’s easy to get intimidated by the tech jargon that goes along with SEO. To keep things easy, here is a breakdown of the most common terms you’ll encounter when dealing with SEO.
On-Page SEO
On-page SEO refers to the stuff that happens on your website that’s hidden in the backend of your website platform (eg. Showit or WordPress). This includes metadata, copy, images, user experience, and other things.
Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO refers to the stuff that happens off your website via third parties, such as on Google Business and social media.
Crawling is the discovery of pages and links that you create. Usually, a search engine, such as Google, will do the crawling.
Indexing happens after a page is crawled. It refers to the storing and analyzing of the content. This is when your page will begin to rank for a keyword.
Our Bulletproof SEO Strategy
Here’s your step-by-step guide to nailing every element of your client’s on-page SEO as a web designer. These are the principles that I keep in mind when designing for my clients and when building my own websites.
One of the best (and most simple) ways to optimize your site for SEO is with title tags. Title tags are comprised of two parts:
A Title Tag – the title tag is the site title that appears as a blue clickable link
You can optimize your title and meta description by:
Incorporate primary target keywords your audience is likely to search—such as ‘Showit website designer.’ Hot tip: free SEO tools like SEMRush and Ubersuggest can help you find the right words to target
Ensure your title tag is between 55 and 70 characters
Write the page content to be clear and succinctly conveyed
Create clickable intrigue with an informative and engaging title
View the title tag as the sales hook to draw in dream clients
Step 2: Optimize Your Meta Descriptions
To optimize your meta descriptions, you can:
Reiterate your primary target keywords
Keep your description between 155 and 160 characters (especially for mobile viewers)
Be as descriptive as possible about the page content—without going over the viewable limit
Use active language and strong verbs to excite, engage and call your audience to action (e.g. grow, expand, empower)
But what about the content on your page? Next, it’s time to optimize what your users read without compromising on quality or readability.
Optimizing your meta descriptions won’t help if you don’t have a marketing strategy in mind. Here’s what I recommend.
Step 3: Refine Your Content
As a designer, aesthetics may be your thing—but copy drives design—which means it’s your responsibility to ensure it’s not turning away dream clients OR search engines. Across every page, run through your copy to ensure you’re not breaking any of these must-follow SEO strategy rules:
Avoid a wall of text, regardless, using a maximum of two to three sentences per paragraph.
Use headers to organize your content (from H2 to H4)
Include internal links (page-to-page) and backlinks (website-to-website) to establish page authority. Hot tip: This could be adding a call-to-action and linking to a specific service page in your latest blog post
Leverage anchor text (the copy for your link) by using targeted keywords to describe your links. For example, hyperlink, “click here for the best SEO strategy for designers,” rather than, “click here.”
Make your content skimmable with bullet points, tables, and graphics
And speaking of visual content…
Step 4: Showcase Your Images
Images are another great way to optimize a site for SEO. And a lot of people overlook them. There’s plenty of metadata in images that can be hidden away in the backend. This is the kind of content that takes literally seconds but can revolutionize your site’s organic ranking.
Here are the top three tips I have:
Compress images using a tool that keeps the file size down and the load time fast. Hot tip: TinyPNG is the perfect compressing tool for reducing image size without compromising quality when your client delivers a huge folder of assets
Optimize and organize image file names using keywords and this formula: BRAND_IMAGE-DESCRIPTION.png
Set alternative text to ensure your stunning site is accessible to everyone while complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Add a short written description of your image (this is called ALT text) in the event it can’t be viewed (while supporting your ranking in places like Google Images)
Step 5: Create an Experience
Most of all, think of the most important person in the design equation. Not you, not your client, but their audience. The more time their audience spends on their site, the more useful and engaging a search engine will view it—meaning more organic traffic—meaning more money!
To ensure the best experience for your client’s audience, it’s important to:
Simplify navigation and avoid choice overload with functional and clear menus
Avoid invasive pop-ups and banners that are annoying or prevent the audience from engaging. Instead, opt for subtle, time-bound, easy-to-exit sales tactics
Hide any pages or elements you don’t want visible (such as online store categories or password-protected pages). You can do this by indexing your site with Google Search Console. Hot tip: Remember, Google indexes websites by their mobile version, so don’t hide key elements such as images while you’re indexing.
Create legible content that utilizes readable colors, contrast, and font size.
Establish an additional, free, valuable content bank that appeases your client’s needs, answers their questions, and contributes to your industry. Hot tip: This doesn’t just have to be a blog. Depending on your industry, it could be an inspiration board, directory, or cross-posted podcast library.
Our entire goal as web designers is to create an experience for viewers. If you want to learn how you can do this too in a free masterclass, then you came to the right place. You can unlock the secrets to conversion-happy web design with the Design Better, Not Basic Masterclass.
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Drive Organic Traffic With This Must Know SEO Strategy
Success was never a question for me. Even after dropping out of high school and living the “digital nomad” lifestyle with absolutely no plan in place, I knew for a fact that there were big things waiting for me. When I found the online space in 2016, everything clicked. Starting as a VA, I finally found something that I could do while traveling the world (which is all I’ve ever really wanted out of life). But despite the fact that I was no longer tied down to a place of work, I was still limited in my income and feeling creatively unfulfilled. When I finally decided to allow myself to be the passionate creative that I am deep down, and took the plunge into the world of website design, everything changed for me. I work on my own time, with unlimited income potential, designing websites for passionate entrepreneurs, and I can teach you to do the same.
If you’re wondering where life could take you as a creative who feels allergic to the 9-5 lifestyle, I’d like to welcome you into my family. I gave a resounding “f*ck no” to the “traditional” a long time ago, and I’ve seen just how beautiful it can be when you chase your passions and turn them into massive profit.
150+ websites, 1,300+ students, and MILLIONS of dollars earned by my students… that’s a recipe for living a life that you’re excited to brag about.
High school dropout turned creative multi-millionaire.
Letting you in on the secrets to living your best damn life.
Learning web design took me from a struggling waitress making $11 an hour, to a seven-figure creative designer in less than 5 years. I can teach you exactly how to follow in my footsteps...
- with no previous creative experience - no coding or development skills - and no expensive design degree